Is Booming Bookkeeping Business a Scam? Our Legitimate Review of the Course

Our goal is to make it easy for you to travel the world. We offer many remote job recommendations, as well as incredibly developed, yet very affordable, places to live and work. So, we were very intrigued by Bill Von Fumetti’s Booming Bookkeeping Business Course, now renamed to “Keyboard Rich,” when we first came across it. In fact, we signed up for the program hoping to boost our income in a new way. The intro video seemed to lay it all out, and it actually seemed almost too good to be true. We were so hyped that we tried to sell Bradley’s brother on doing it as well!

It isn’t a cheap course, but we committed to it anyway – mostly because we didn’t see anything bad about it online. So, I spent a few months going through the courses, passing my Quickbooks ProAdvisor Certification, and thinking I was well on my way to adding in another fairly low-activity income. But, it ended up becoming a bit of a nightmare for us instead. Actually, this article has generated quite a lot of comments from other people who were scammed by his program and/or dissatisfied with it in some way or another.

The skinny: There are better ways to earn money online. But, if you’re really dead-set on becoming an online bookkeeper, there’s a great Udemy course for only about $69.99 for that.

Note: You’ll notice that images throughout this article have been replaced with descriptions of images instead – this is because Bill is actively doing everything he can to remove negative reviews including contacting us, incentivizing us, attempting to have our article removed from Google search results, and even trying to take legal action against us for providing this review to you (in that case it was due to having images from his website). Unlike most, we have the experience and ability to win all of these attempts, but it has taken a great deal of time for us to provide and maintain this article for you. We have no doubt that he handles other negative reviews in the same way, but we weren’t going to be bought out. Our goal is to help people like you, and that’s worth more to us than time or money.

Continue reading to learn about our experience.

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What is the Booming Bookkeeping Business Like?

Let’s start with the good news. The Booming Bookkeeping Business course, now renamed to “Keyboard Rich,” can legitimately be used by plenty of people. It states that you really don’t need any accounting or bookkeeping experience to get started, and that is accurate.

The courses provided in the program, combined with the free training that you get through Quickbooks (which you don’t need this program to get), teach you everything that you’ll need to know about how to use Quickbooks, the important facets of accounting that you’ll need for bookkeeping, and how to set up your profiles on Quickbooks ProAdvisor, LinkedIn, and a few other platforms.

Bill Von Fumetti’s course essentially just teaches you how to set up the legalities of your business in 3 modules, then teaches a bit about bookkeeping in the next 2 modules, then spends the next 3 modules teaching you how to set up your profiles and make sales.

That last word, “sales,” is so glossed over in the intro video and so under-toned in the training that he tries to convince you that it’s not really even sales at all, but to get clients it is actually nothing but sales.

So, his course is mostly about how to set up a business (any cheap business setup course would likely do as good of a job or better at explaining this than his powerpoint / chalkboard style runthrough), with a module on the overview of accounting (charts and journal entries, which you could likely learn simply on Khan Academy for free), a fairly helpful module on the most common things that bookkeepers would do specifically in “Quickbooks Online” (you can also get this for free), and the profile setup and sales training to get customers (some aspects are very similar to cold-calling through social media, others – like Google-my-Business and Find-a-ProAdvisor directory – teach you how to get some clients to come to you directly, and then how to funnel them into a sales pitch, including the sales language, after they respond).

For the most part, the Booming Bookkeeping Business program is a sales program.

He teaches you how to get clients. And that’s not entirely a bad thing. Actually, business is a process of bringing in customers. So, to be successful in a business like this, you would need to know how to get customers – and he does a fair job at that in the program.

Plus, he provides additional tools – like a Bookkeeping Services Pricing Calculator that helps you know which questions to ask customers to calculate how much to charge them – that are actually where much of the real value comes from in the Booming Bookkeeping Business course.

[IMAGE REMOVED. Description: The photo shows a man smiling at the camera. He has a shaved head and a light stubble beard. He is wearing a light beige, quarter-zip pullover with a small polo logo on the left chest area. The background appears to be a soft, blurred outdoor setting, possibly near a beach or a large body of water, with a warm and natural light ambiance. The lighting in the photo is soft, suggesting that it may have been taken during sunset or sunrise, giving the image a calm and relaxed atmosphere.]

Reaching out to Bill Von Fumetti Directly

While going through the modules, I ran across an issue with one video, called “Section 5 – Monthly Bookkeeping – Enter Payroll 2”. For some reason I was seeing the same exact video from “Section 4 – Quickbooks master – Entering Payroll 2” in this spot, when the videos were suppose to be different (even though they had similar names). I reached out to Bill to inform him of the situation, but he just told me they were similarly named, but claimed that they were actually different. It felt mildly dismissive. What a strange response. I assumed that he must not have really read my message, or understood what I meant, so I tried again.

This time I explained a little better, but was clear to state that the videos are actually the same video and that both were 10:34 long and identical. Bill’s second response seemed somewhat rude, like he didn’t trust me. He then stated that he “verified that the two are, indeed, different” and asked me to prove that it was happening by sending him a video or screenshot of the issue that I was referring to.

I did what he requested and then he explained that he didn’t know what was happening but somehow knew that he fixed the problem despite not knowing. Then he told me to clear my cache and do a “hard refresh” to let it show correctly in my platform. It worked, but I felt a little odd about our conversation. See images here for the conversation:

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[IMAGE REMOVED: The image is a promotional graphic with the heading: “Owning A Virtual Bookkeeping Business Gives You The Power To:” followed by three separate sections, each highlighting a different benefit of running a virtual bookkeeping business.

1. First Section (Left) – “Unlimited Income”:

– The image shows a person’s hands holding cash while writing in a notebook, implying financial success.

– Below the image is the text “Unlimited Income” accompanied by a wallet icon.

– A short description reads, “Earn unlimited income by taking on as many or as few clients as you want.”

2. Second Section (Middle) – “Work From Home”:

– The image depicts a woman wearing glasses, working on a laptop at a desk in a home environment filled with books and folders.

– Beneath the image is the text “Work From Home” with a matching wallet icon.

– The description states, “Work from home…or anywhere in the world with internet access.”

3. Third Section (Right) – “Control Your Schedule”:

– The image shows a desk calendar with pins marking different dates, suggesting flexibility in scheduling.

– Below this image is the text “Control Your Schedule” along with a calendar icon.

– The description reads, “Control your schedule by working whenever you want. No more 9-5!”

The overall theme of the image emphasizes the freedom, income potential, and flexibility that come with owning a virtual bookkeeping business.]

What We Expected From Booming Bookkeeping Business

As we already have quite a bit going on in our lives with 2 toddlers, moving around the world, running this website, and running our own services, I was hoping to utilize the Booming Bookkeeping Business to bring in some clients (not a ton) to add to our revenue stream and increase our savings.

After watching the intro video, it appeared that I could use a ProAdvisor account to draw in a couple of clients. Our expectation with the ProAdvisor profile (actually what ended up being the “Find-a-ProAdvisor directory”) was that it would occasionally lead a client or two my way, and that I wouldn’t have to do much to bring them in – apart from using that Bookkeeping Services Pricing Calculator to then determine how much to charge them.

I wasn’t looking to make $100,000 from the program or to make it a full time job. I don’t look at success as working every second of every day. A little extra income is all I was hoping for in the Booming Bookkeeping Business.

So, in my view, I wasn’t expecting to have to do a ton of sales calls, cold-email messaging, or anything like that, when I decided to sign up for the program. Honestly, I just wanted the “easy” part, not the “hard” part, and the intro video sold me on the idea that I could just use the ProAdvisor method if I wanted. So, I bought the program and I did the training.

By the end of the training, I felt empowered to be successful and encouraged that I would be able to get a few clients. I passed my ProAdvisor exam, got my certification, set up my ProAdvisor profile – and my LinkedIn profile for added potential as the course required – and was ready to begin.

Then, I requested to become listed on the Find-a-ProAdvisor directory and everything fell apart.

More to Life than Work

[IMAGE REMOVED: The image shows a laptop screen displaying an online course interface for the “Booming Bookkeeping Business.” On the screen, there is a video player in the center, featuring a man in a blue shirt (the same individual from previous images) standing in front of a screen displaying the course’s logo. The video player appears to be paused, indicating that this is likely an orientation or introduction video for the course.

To the right of the video, there is a sidebar menu titled “Orientation – Start Here!” which lists three lessons:

1. “Welcome!”

2. “Course Tour”

3. “Recommended Study Paths”

Each of these lessons has a checkmark next to them, suggesting they have been completed. There is also a button labeled “Next Category.”

Below the video, there is a text section starting with the heading “Welcome!” followed by some introductory text to the course. On the bottom right, there is a small profile picture and the title “Your Coach,” showing an image of the man, identified as Bill Von Fumetti, CPA.]

Is the Booming Bookkeeping Business Real?

My ProAdvisor profile was declined on the Find-a-ProAdvisor directory.

I have the certification, but Quickbooks wasn’t going to let me use my ProAdvisor profile to find any clients. Essentially, I’m not searchable in the system.

When I asked why, I was told that Quickbooks could tell that I wasn’t currently in the United States and that they wouldn’t approve my account unless I was in the United States for the last 90 days. They offered to re-evaluate their decision if I came back to the United States for 90 days and then reapplied.

Here’s the thing, we almost never go through the United States because our lifestyle involves saving as much money as possible by traveling to, and living in, more affordable countries. So, even if we do go through the United States on occasion, we don’t stay for 90 days!

Could this just be a fluke? Is it happening to anyone else? I checked the facebook group that is designed as a method for Bill Von Fumetti’s customers of the Booming Bookkeeping Business to help each other out. As it turns out, there have been a few! However, the solutions are to simply do what Quickbook requests: move back to the United States for 90 days and then re-apply.

The response from Bill Von Fumetti? “What documentation did you upload?” and “Curious what documentation they needed […] Normally the address, LLC, and business license are enough!”

From his assistant, Andy Seleen: “Have either of you tried using a VPN that routes through a US server to submit your info?” and “That’s a pain in the butt, but don’t forget that this is only one of many marketing channels available to you.”

Problem not solved for me, for Cherie, or for Nicole – who are basically all in the same boat. We were all counting on the Find-a-ProAdvisor directory. See their conversations below:

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Booming Bookkeeping Business recommends using Google-my-Business
Google-my-Business frontpage

Google-my-Business Doesn’t Always Work Either

The other method that is listed in his program that doesn’t require searching for clients on your own is Google-my-Business. This requires you to list your business on Google Maps, essentially, in the hopes that people in your area will simply find you on Google Maps, and then reach out to you through your contact information on that page.

While I was trying to get my ProAdvisor directory issue resolved, I noticed other people having issues with this one: “The call this afternoon with Google Business to verify my business was awful. He wanted to see my business office so I showed him my desk setup at home and that wasn’t sufficient. He then asked to see my vehicle and that wasn’t sufficient. I don’t understand what I’m doing wrong. Please help!” was one message from a person named Christina, who attached a photo from Google showing their response:

“Your Business Profile could not be verified to appear on Google Search and Maps because it’s an only online business with no in-person contact which doesn’t comply with our eligibility guidelines.”

Andy Seleen responded to her by saying something to the effect that this person should list their business as hybrid instead, even though it isn’t.

Christina then responds to Andy by saying, “Bill doesn’t mention this in the Google Business Module. No guidance is given for those of us that don’t have brick and mortar business address” to which another client, named Richard, responds saying “I’d imagine the majority of us folks don’t have a formal office building/suite.” Christina: “exactly and since Google My Business is so important to our marketing what’s the workaround? According to Google’s guidelines, if you don’t have formal office building you don’t qualify for it.”

The conversation continues with someone recommending to use a P.O. Box, but another person named Tim responds to that saying: “Many people have been denied only having UPS box. Then it’s next to impossible to get verified after that.”

Andy Seleen says “USPS street address PO Boxes seem to work much better” and another comment from Tim states: “When you set up your business on GMB [Google-My-Business], did you select walk in business welcome? Or something like that?” It’s not something that seems to get fixed.

Anyway, with ProAdvisor out and Google-My-Business in question… I found myself in a predicament. This program was not designed for people like me. It’s designed for people that have the flexibility to do a ton of sales calls and cold-email messages. It’s designed for salespeople.

So, it might make sense that the ones that are really successful in this program are the ones who are great at sales and have large networks of people to contact. This is a job where you have to reach out to everyone you know, and have them forward or share your message to people in their networks. That really isn’t us.

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[IMAGE REMOVED: The image is a promotional advertisement for a training program under the brand “Booming Bookkeeping Business™.” It has a bright and professional design, with a blue header containing the brand’s name. Main Headline: The headline in large, bold text reads: “How Literally Anyone Can Earn 6-Figures+ From Home With A Simple Bookkeeping Business!” Center Section: – There is a photo of a man (Bill Von Fumetti) sitting in front of a screen that displays the “Booming Bookkeeping Business” logo. He is smiling and holding a clear award trophy. – On a small table in front of him, there is another similar trophy. – The background shows shelves with various decorative items, indicating a cozy and professional indoor setting. Caption: Below the photo, a caption reads: “Your Host: Bill Von Fumetti, CPA. Founder of Booming Bookkeeping Business, helping over 5,000 people achieve financial freedom!” Right Side Section: This section lists the benefits of the training in bullet points, under the heading “What You’ll Learn In This Exclusive Training:” The bullet points include: – “How you can start right away with just a computer and a free piece of software.” – “How anyone can easily learn bookkeeping from scratch.” – “The top 2 simple ways to get clients without spending a dime or having to be good at sales.” Call to Action: At the bottom right, there is a blue button that says, “Watch The Training Now >>.” Below the button, a line of text reads: “100% No-Cost – Seating is limited to 100 attendees!” The overall design is clean and inviting, highlighting the promise of financial freedom through bookkeeping and the expertise of the host, Bill Von Fumetti.]

Booming Bookkeeping Business Misrepresentation

I decided to let Bill know that without being able to be in the ProAdvisor directory, this program was not for me. In my very own words:

“I’m very sorry, but I can’t continue with the Booming Bookkeeping Business program.

I signed up after the introductory training video because it talked about being able to utilize the Quickbooks ProAdvisor directory as a way of getting clients to come to me and being able to work remotely from anywhere.

Unfortunately I found out after going through the Quickbooks ProAdvisor certification that Intuit will not approve my profile as I’m out of the US and will only approve it after I’ve been in the US for more than 90 days previous.

I typically over-research everything, and I did that with this program as well, so it really pained me that it didn’t turn out how I expected. I let Bill know this, said some good things about his program, and asked him to cancel my account. I stated that I wasn’t looking for a refund, but I wasn’t going to be able to be successful in the program as the information provided before signing up had misled me on what to expect – so, I just wanted him to cancel the remaining payments.

His response was that of a typical salesperson – and I suppose that makes sense as he must be a great salesperson to be so successful at this business. He sent a verbal response, via a loom video, to tell me that I was wrong, and that I didn’t have to use the ProAdvisor directory to be successful. Here is the transcription of his words in that loom video:

“Hey there, Jennifer it’s Bill here. Hope you’re doing great. Thought I’d record this quick video to address your email. It’s a little easier than typing a long reply. So, um, you are questioning whether or not you’re able to continue with the program. Um, you signed up because we talked about the ProAdvisor, uh, directory in a way, um, and that being a way to get clients, um, you went through the certification and they want to prove your profile because you’re out of the US and will only prove it after you’ve been in the us for more than 90 days. Um, a couple of things here. First, we have a lot of people outside of the U S that use the ProAdvisor profile, as long as you’ve got an address in the US and you’ve got one, I think, in Davenport, Florida, um, you can use that. Okay. They don’t need to know that whether you’re physically inside or outside of the country, as long as you have an address, that’s the address that you can use. Okay. So, um, you know, not a problem that we have a lot of people doing that.”

Again, maybe I wasn’t super clear, but I didn’t use an overseas address. I did use my Davenport, Florida address. I never told Intuit that I was overseas in anyway. He continues:

“In addition, the ProAdvisor directory is just one of the ways, and you can see module six, which is the marketing module in the program. It’s just one of the ways that you can use to get clients. We have lots of people that don’t even use the ProAdvisor profile, even though, you know, it’s, it can be a great way to get clients and they focus on other things like Google-my-Business, or LinkedIn, or Facebook or Facebook groups, or, you know, the marketing strategies that we cover in module six are, uh, all very, very effective in it’s important for you to pick and choose whichever ones are right for you. So, uh, like I said, you’re able to use that US-based address whether you’re inside or outside of the, the country. Um, but if for whatever reason you decide not to do that, you don’t have to use ProAdvisor at all. Okay. It’s just one of the many effective marketing strategies. Okay. So, um, so that, that, that, that pretty much clears that up.”

As it turns out, what is right for me was to use the methods that didn’t require me actively hunting for clients: primarily the ProAdvisor directory and maybe Google-my-Business. And no, Bill, that doesn’t clear that up!

In my message to him I also state that I’ve had a theme park Call-Center job in the past as well (this is the phone line where the most upset customers call in and yell at you and say mean things to you all day long, and it took such a toll on me that I had to leave for my own mental health). Anyway, I told him I wouldn’t have bought the program if I knew I was going to need to “close the deal” over the phone with clients either. That also wasn’t discussed in the intro video, and truly turns this into a Sales Job. Anyway, Bill responded to that as well – once again quite well for a salesperson:

“Uh, and then you say that you didn’t realize that getting clients would require being on the phone and closing the sale after working in a high volume call center for a year, it caused a lot of stress and you’ve avoided work that required being on the phone. Um, I’m sorry to hear about your prior position. What you’ll find is, you know, when you say closing the deal, uh, or closing the sale, you know, uh, it’s not like, you know, used cars. It’s not like we’re selling anything at all. The phone calls that you’ll be having with clients are. And if you, um, if you’ve watched a module, the closing, the deal module module eight, uh, you’ll hear me talk about how these consultations are just conversations. We’re getting to know about the client, their business, what their challenges are. And then we talk about how we’re able to solve those challenges. We don’t say, Hey, you know, um, you know, we don’t say salesy things, you know, what do I gotta do to get you into this car today? You know, we don’t have to do any of these salesy things or anything like That. We’re just, uh, presenting a solution to their problem. That’s it, it’s a conversation. You got to remember that the people that you’ll be on the phone with, they scheduled a call with you, they want to work with you, that’s it. We’re asking them some questions we’re answering any questions they have. That’s it, low pressure. It is just a conversation. So, um, once you have kind of that consultation on the phone, most of the clients, you’ll never talk to again on the phone. Okay. Everything will be over email. Sometimes you can do like a little screen recording to walk through financials if you want. Um, but there is no hard selling. There is no, you know, none of that call center type stuff. So that is absolutely nothing to worry about. Um, you know, you did talk about that. Uh, you weren’t aware that you, you know, you, you, you did some research and you weren’t aware, um, that calls were required. I do. I’m on the page to enroll, you know, talk about the different modules, including the, the, the, the consultations and how to handle consultations modules. So obviously, you know, uh, if you’re going to start a business and get clients, there will be some communication. Again, that initial communication is typically on the phone, low pressure, low, you know, low pressure and, and very conversational. Uh, but beyond that, there’s really nothing else, nothing else you need.”

Ok. I’m not sure how to respond to that, but sure. I suppose if I break through my fear of doing that then I suppose I could do it. That’s true with just about anyone who is afraid of anything… just stop being afraid. Easy peasy! Really talking it down and pushing it back like it’s not what it really is, a sales call, didn’t make it any easier. It just made me feel worse. What else could you say, Bill?

“And then again, ProAdvisor profile, you can make that work for you with the address you have in the US otherwise focus on the LinkedIn, focus on the other marketing strategies that we talk about. You can have all the success you’re looking for, um, without having to worry about, you know, the ProAdvisor profile or being worried about high pressure phone sales. Okay. I would hate to see that your assumptions, that these things would hold you back, prevent you from being successful with this. Um, because you know, it is a great program. You, uh, you know, and, and I don’t say that to toot my own horn, but it’s, it’s a program that’s effective for people.”

Well, you tooted your own horn, told me that I must have misunderstood what Intuit was clear to tell me about ProAdvisor, and ignored my fear of being on the phone. Well done, an excellent sales person indeed!

“And if you’re in the Facebook group, you’re seeing people in the program get clients every day. Okay. As long as you’re willing to follow the program, put in the work and lean on me as a mentor. Okay. Lean on me as a mentor every step of the way. Um, cause that’s what I’m here for to support you both while you’re training. And as you work with clients, um, as long as you’re willing to do those three things, you can have all the success you’re looking for. Okay. You can, you know, make what you want live, where you want work, where you want when you want. It’s really, really cool. Okay. So with that being said, I encourage you to jump back in, let me know where you’re at. Let me know if anything’s given you, uh, giving you trouble and we’ll just keep you moving. Okay. So let me know if you have any questions, Jennifer, and we’ll talk to you soon. Bye. Bye. Now.”
Bill Von Fumetti

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To be kind, I responded once more to really put the heels on this run-away trainwreck:

Hello Bill,

I received the video you sent in response to my email. Unfortunately, the info you stated is incorrect. I applied with my Florida address already and was declined. There was nothing in my Quickbooks account stating I was not in the US, but when I asked QB support why I was declined, they stated it was because they could see I was accessing QB from outside of the US. In the Facebook group there is another student who had the same problem and even with a VPN they were declined. So simply using my Florida address to set up my ProAdvisor Profile does not work.

You stated that you have other students who were able to set up their profiles despite being out of the country, and while that may be true, currently, QB is not approving profiles for people who access it outside of the country.

I tried to make it as clear as possible in the previous email, so I’m not sure how to make it any more clear. But again, I am not requesting a full refund but to discontinue payments due to not being able to have a ProAdvisor listing as expected upon purchase after passing my certification.

Please, Bill, just let me cancel this thing – it’s becoming such a nightmare! I can’t understand how a person that boasts about making over $400,000 per year on his bookkeeping business, and more from the Booming Bookkeeping Business Course, would care so much about 10 more payments of $197. Why this is such a big deal to him I’ll never know! Ugh. But his response is GOLD, completely dodging me again!!!

“Hi Jennifer,

As mentioned in the video, we have quite a few folks listed in the ProAdvisor directory who are living overseas.

I guess I’m a bit confused as to why you feel that being listed in the ProAdvisor directory is mandatory for success. We have lots of folks in the program who aren’t listed in the ProAdvisor directory and they are growing just as fast as those who are. Module 6 covers all of the most effective marketing strategies that are working to get clients right now.

At the end of the day, you’ll want to decide what’s more important to you. having a ProAdvisor profile or owning a successful bookkeeping business. Because they are not dependent on each other.

Regarding the payment plan option that you selected when you enrolled in the course…it represented a purchase commitment to make all 12 monthly payments, not a subscription that could be canceled. You can review the Billing Policy that you agreed to here:

That said, we are open to allowing you to cancel, but there is a $400 charge for those who have accessed and consumed the course materials.

Let me know how you’d like to proceed.

Have a nice evening,


Wow. Again he either didn’t listen to me about what ProAdvisor told me or simply didn’t trust me, despite this occurring to other people in the program as well. So many things were said in this response to deflect me that it’s hard to wrap my mind around it. But, in the end, he said that once you’re in, you can’t back out. Then, oddly, he offered a way to back out: pay him $400. Is he really that desperate for $400? I just don’t understand.

I tried one last time to reason with him, letting him know why my husband and I both felt that this program had misrepresented itself, but that the Booming Bookkeeping Business still provides good sales material and that I believed that a reasonable outcome could still allow us to recommend the Booming Bookkeeping Business Course to sales-oriented people who come to our website – as we were in his affiliate program as well – but that I had already paid $396 and didn’t want to pay another $400 to cancel as we both felt he had misrepresented the product.

All I wanted was for him to understand the issues that were going on, believe them, and do something to address them for future clients so they weren’t as misinformed as I was. Plus, to stop charging me money as I wasn’t going to use the program anymore.

It was weird, like he thought I was trying to scam him out of his program. I had learned the material and now I wasn’t going to pay him for it and probably go off on my own and do it anyway.

I also mentioned that I was legitimately trying to promote his course, because after all, it could be decent for the correct people…

“I’m not trying to scam you! I’m a blogger who is trying to write a decent review for your program. I’m in your affiliate program. I’m trying to help you make MORE SALES! Now, I’m trying to be polite and I’d like to still write a decent article and review of your service. I’d like to also continue to recommend your course to others. We both still stand to gain from this.”

After a few days, he hadn’t responded to that message so we took matters into our own hands and called our bank. They recommended that we put a stop payment on any item coming in from that business, we agreed. They helped us stop the charges. That was the only way out.

Here’s the Kicker…

Within a few hours, Bill had removed me from the affiliate program, the Booming Bookkeeping course, the members-only facebook group, and even the free facebook group that’s available to everyone (even if they aren’t paid students in the course). It seemed a bit unnecessary and over the top to get so upset at a single client. Especially over a few hundred dollars in the grand scheme of a 6-figure business?

[IMAGE REMOVED DUE TO COPYRIGHT CLAIM: The image features a simple and professional profile card. On the left, there is a circular headshot of a man (Bill Von Fumetti) smiling. He is wearing a blue collared shirt, and the background of the photo is softly blurred, suggesting an outdoor setting.

To the right of the photo, there is text that reads:

Bold Text: “Bill Von Fumetti, CPA”

Italicized Text: “Your Booming Bookkeeping Business Coach”

A vertical line separates the photo from the text, giving the design a clean and organized look. The overall layout is minimalistic, highlighting Bill Von Fumetti’s role as a coach for the Booming Bookkeeping Business.]

Our Legitimate Review of the Booming Bookkeeping Business Course

This program will likely work for some people, but if you are located outside of the US, and don’t plan to stop over for 90 days before continuing onwards, you cannot count on being in the QuickBooks ProAdvisor Directory to get clients. So, if this part is as important to you as it was for me, this program is not for you. However, if you’re currently located inside the US, this shouldn’t be an issue. As Bill said, there are also many other options for you to use if you are comfortable with using them.

However, the Booming Bookkeeping Business will work a lot better for sales-oriented people with large networks of people to reach out to, like: people who are great at being insurance salespeople or great at selling in MLM businesses.

That being said, we can’t recommend the Booming Bookkeeping Business because of our interaction with Bill himself. His responses to me were that of a certain type of salesperson. They came off on the surface as kind and genuine, but when it really came down to it, he wasn’t very friendly. I legitimately tried to make this work, but I did feel deceived with the product that I received after I made the purchase.

We hope this article helps you decide if the Booming Bookkeeping Business Course will work for you. If you’ve come to the conclusion that the information that we provided actually helped you make the decision NOT to buy his program, please consider helping us recover our cost from that program as well by dropping a couple dollars into our Ko-Fi account for this review. We truly hope that our experience helped you.

Do you have experience with the Booming Bookkeeping Business?

Feel free to write about your experience, good or bad, in the comments section below!

Other Information

The National Association of Certified Public Bookkeepers (NACPB) offers various free resources and information for those interested in bookkeeping and accounting. Some of these include:

1. Webinars and Workshops: NACPB frequently provides free webinars and workshops covering topics relevant to bookkeeping and accounting professionals.

2. Educational Materials: You can access free educational materials, such as articles, guides, and whitepapers on their website.

3. Certification Information: Detailed information about their certification programs, including requirements and benefits, is available.

4. Career Resources: They offer tips and advice on advancing your career in bookkeeping, including resume writing and job search strategies.

5. News and Updates: Stay informed about the latest industry trends, news, and updates related to bookkeeping and accounting.

You can visit their official website to access these resources and learn more about their offerings.

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Christina A week ago · 1 Like

This Blog review of the 5 day Keyboard Rich challenge was written 2 years ago, when at that time it was called something different. I really appreciate the review and can’t thank you enough for it as well as the comments below. I knew the whole thing was too good to be true, but I think it has gotten my wheels spinning in a new direction. I have always had a thing for numbers and accuracy. I’m going to glean as much as I can without giving my hard earned $$ to the program. Then I’m going to learn as much as I can for free before I put any $$ into moving forward, but I feel like remote or hybrid bookkeeping might be right up my alley (with the proper experience, of coarse). Best to all who have encountered Bill. Be wise with your $$, otherwise someone else will be instead. 😉

Paul Contreras A week ago · 1 Like

WOW!! Thank you so much for the review. I had signed up for the initial one day presentation, have not paid anything yet. I will not be joining the presentation and of course won’t be spending a dime!
“BS Bill” would do much better to offer a legitimate program (much like Real Estate training) and then be available for coaching to those who feel they need it for a smaller fee. I didn’t get to the final cost(s) but after seeing comments below, would not have signed for anything so expensive anyway.


Rebecca Ray 2 weeks ago · 1 Like

I was SHOCKED at his use of “um” and “uh” in his response to you. What kind of trash talk is that? Rude, condescending and deserved of a slap upside the head- especially to a PAYING customer who is struggling for answers! GLAD I did some research and found you, before I paid anything to Mr Boom Boom Bookkeeping. I’m sorry you had that experience. I hope you’re doing well now, with some kind of business going that has proper support and honest instructors!

Deb 2 weeks ago · 1 Like

I was about to embark on the initial presentation scheduled for next week. I decided to find out about the reviews posted online. I came across yours! Wow! This is the most complete review I have found about any work from home business and didn’t even read all word for word. AND, I’ve spent more than my share in my lifetime to find something that was legit that would make a person gag.
Why does this have to be so complicated?

Kayla 3 weeks ago · 1 Like

I got excited about the program watching his initial video on FB. I started the Keyboard Rich Challenge, but could only watch the videos in the evening because I’m a teacher (retiring in 3 1/2 months!). I need to supplement my retirement and thought this would be a great way to do it. I paid the $47 because that’s the only way to access the videos beyond the first week. I coach robotics so I wasn’t sure I’d have time this week to watch the videos. I kept getting prompts to join the VIP group, but it kept saying it was full. It was an additional $150. I didn’t have that anyway so I didn’t worry too much about it. Then I got an email yesterday asking if I wanted to continue working with Bill after the challenge, asking me to fill in some information. I did and was sent a link to the live session before the challenge session today. The minute he started talking today, I felt the “used car salesman” vibe and was bracing myself for the hit that was coming. The mentorship program is now $4997 unless you need to do a payment plan. The payment plan is 3 payments of $1997, totaling $5991. Why would you need $1000 in administrative fees to process two additional payments? That was the not the first red flag for me, but definitely the most glaring one. I decided to do some digging and fortunately came across your article. Thank you for confirming my suspicions. And yes, if he were making $400,000 as a bookkeeper, why would he need to sell a $5,000 course? There’s a new cohort about every couple of weeks. How many people have been suckered into this? I don’t feel it’s about putting in the work with this. I feel his course is misleading and dishonest. And I do not feel that is worth $5,000. If I really wanted to do this business, I’m sure I could find inexpensive or free resources and teach myself. That being said, I’m very interested in the coding course you mentioned. I have a Master of Science in Instructional Technology and have taught computer science, currently coach robotics which includes coding and teach engineering with a high emphasis on software engineering.

Allison 2 months ago · 1 Like

I just finished with the $47 challenge. I also upgraded to the VIP listen only. I knew about challenges and how all of them at the end offer a more expensive program. But I thought for $47 I would get some value. I kind of wish I hadnt upgraded to the VIP because I did not get much out of the other questions from other people. I did not join the mentorship even though I contemplated. Here is why… many red flags. Bill is an excellent salesman. Good for him, but if you dont catch some of the little things that he does, you will be sucked in.

1 I thought it was weird that he went from live, to recorded, back to live. One person added to the many doing quickbooks real time was not going to glitch out. That was a minor red flag.

2 I caught him many times stating that “I am going to talk about that later, or I am going to talk about that in the breakout session”……and he never did.

3 He made it sound like the break out session was where we were going to get some more nuggets. All it was was a VERY long and repetitive pitch for his $5000 program. And I mean repetitive.

4 The “bonus” day of Q&A on Saturday was BS. He answered a few questions and then pretended that it was a last minute decision to talk about the mentorship again. It went on for over an hour. That was honestly the only reason for Saturday. He claimed he answered about 75 questions… nope… was more like 10.

5 He kept pretending he was answering the question to “are you going to have another challenge?” probably because people wanted some time to think about joining the mentorship program, and not feel rushed and make hasty decisions. Well, scrolling on social media, guess what I found… a link for another challenge only 2 weeks after the one I joined. He lied.

6 On the FB group… there were A LOT of people who posted that they joined… I assumed they were all real people, but now I dont know. But it is another sales tactic because you cant help but think, “jeez, should I join too?”.

7 Then after the weekend, an email was sent offering a payment plan for the mentorship. It was stated that he had just decided to implement it over the weekend because of all of the inquiries. Not true. I saw a comment on a social media post a few months prior re this payment plan.

Sooooo…. he is a salesman. And a good one. Authenticity and transparency are of utmost importance for me. I saw these things (and more) that made me question his authenticity.
Maybe his program is amazing, idk…. I decided no based on some red flags.

Tally 2 months ago · 0 Likes

I saw Bill’s add on YouTube so I thought I’d do some research to see if the course was worthwhile. I’m interested in building a bookkeeping business, but I don’t think Bill’s course would be worth it for me personally as I have experience in related fields. Thank you for the article.
Lastly, acquiring customers is a part of building ANY business, so I’ve got to side with Bill on that one

Cheri 4 months ago · 1 Like

I quit reading when I got to the part where you said you don’t live in the USA. If you can afford to jet-set or live in several countries then your life style in no way relates to mine. I need a 2nd income b/c my problem now – once the bills are paid can I buy food and gas? Over the last 4 years it has been iffy – in the last 4 weeks I have not been able to buy groceries. I’m getting stuff from family members. I won’t buy the key board rich program – so thanks for that at least!! I’ll get regular 2nd job – probably delivering pizzas or something.

R A month ago · 0 Likes

Ive been in pizza delivery for over a decade. It can be great value for money, as long as you stay as a driver. The effective pay cut can be as much as 50% by moving into management.

Be a cut above the rest. Track your daily tips, mileage, mileage pay and how many miles the company paid you for.

Its the service sector Pay will vary depending of the time of the year.
Local Plant worker make bigger paychecks but I have a higher hourly wage without sacrificing time with my family from doing something like working 6-10s or 5-12s. I perfer 4-8s thurs fri sat and either wed or sun 4:30 or 5-30 to close.

Jim Jones 4 months ago · 2 Likes

I participated in the Keyboard Rich Challenge, though I did not join the mentorship program, so I can’t speak to that aspect. However, my experience with the challenge provided enough insight into Bill’s character.

Initially, I was impressed. While much of Day 1 was a reiteration of his book, the Q&A session for VIP participants stood out as engaging and informative. The session ran long, and people asked questions that I was curious about myself. However, I noticed something odd. Bill allowed Platinum members to ask two questions each, and their names were displayed in Zoom. Out of curiosity, I searched for these individuals in the Facebook group for challenge participants. Strangely, none of them appeared in the group, though I was able to find some on Facebook. There was no mention of a separate group for Platinum members, and others in the challenge openly discussed how they had missed out on the Platinum tier or suggested questions for Platinum participants. This made me skeptical about what was really happening.

In subsequent Zoom sessions, I recognized names from the Facebook group in the live chat, but Bill’s responses were vague, and he never directly addressed anyone. After a brief period, the live chat was always disabled, preventing further interaction. He claimed that the scrolling text would be distracting, but it left me questioning why the sessions even needed to be live if we couldn’t interact.

During sessions where Bill demonstrated QuickBooks, he mentioned that the QuickBooks Test Drive portions were pre-recorded because too many users accessing it at once could cause glitches. Before transitioning to these pre-recorded sections, he reiterated that he was live and would return to being live afterward. However, it was unclear when or if he actually returned to the live session.

This left me doubting the authenticity of the “live” sessions, so I stopped prioritizing attending them in real-time. From what I observed in the Facebook group, many participants seemed to believe these sessions were live, and no one from Bill’s team clarified otherwise. It felt like they wanted everyone to believe everything was happening in real-time, which came across as deceptive—especially since Bill emphasized attending the live sessions, despite the inconvenient 9 AM PST timing for many.

The final red flag came when Bill shared a LinkedIn profile of another bookkeeper to illustrate a point. While showing the profile, I noticed a post on the profile that had been made four days prior. However, when I checked LinkedIn, the post had actually been made three months ago. This reinforced my suspicion that much of the challenge was recycled content presented as live.

Overall, the experience felt disingenuous. The challenge was framed as a live, interactive experience, but it seemed like old recordings were being used to create that illusion. Based on this, many participants went on to sign up for the mentorship program. While I don’t doubt that some people can find success if they fully commit, it felt to me like the Keyboard Rich Challenge preyed on people’s hopes and aspirations, encouraging them to sign up for the more expensive mentorship program without being fully transparent.

Tom 3 months ago · 1 Like

You are 100% correct. He says the QB examples are not live, because the dates are different. The VIP section is Taped too. The Platinum section (where you can ask the Questions) was sold out. I just did his week long commercial last week. Today I noticed he was doing another week. For the people that signed up for his mentorship he was having a welcome party at the same time. So glad I didn’t fall for the $4999 fee.
I dont think he Does bookkeeping anymore. His Linked-in profile doesn’t mention it and the last review is from 2018. his ProAdvisor profile is not active either. Of course he could be full or getting referrals.

Linda 4 months ago · 1 Like

Wow. Just wow. Thank you and count me as a new follower.

Jonna 5 months ago · 1 Like

Thank you for one of the most thorough reviews of a program I’ve read so far. I’ve taken several of these types of programs and have learned that if the program can’t teach you have to earn enough to pay for the program it’s not for me. I have good training and experience to run a bookkeeping business and I’m going to test the process on this program. I already have a few small clients lined-up and I’m going to test how far the $47 will take me.

Debbie Montoya 5 months ago · 1 Like

Thank you for your review! I read his book and thought about it for a while, but did not feel comfortable enough to do this. I’m on a fixed income and can afford to lose any money, I do not have the income to restore the monies lost. So, thank you very much! I am sorry that you and others have been suckered in by type of con artist. I had the feeling this program was similar to a pyramid scheme.

Wendell Gee 6 months ago · 1 Like

Thank you for this review. As others have said, I got suckered into his $47 five day ‘challenge’. I’m an accountant with over 20 years experience, most of that time spent in QuickBooks. I got 3.5 days in and I realized he was NEVER going to say anything of any value unless I coughed up $4,997 (or 3 payments of $1,997. That extra $1K you need to cough up if you’re on the payment plan? “Admin expenses and overhead”.)

I was looking for help figuring out the marketing/sales part of starting my own business. If I had known I only needed to spend $6K to become a bookkeeper that makes $100K+, I would have never gone back to college to get an Accounting degree.

Give me a break. This guy is a joke.

Tally Man 7 months ago · 1 Like

I think the NACPB offers more for free on their website.

Analiza 7 months ago · 1 Like

This is Scam. You cannot be a bookkeeper without accounting knowledge and experince. Bookkeeping indeed requires a good understanding of accounting principles, accuracy, and attention to detail. Bookkeeping is not typing. Don’t trick with this stupid man

Chad H. 6 months ago · 0 Likes

In Bill’s defense he does say bookkeepers are not robots sitting there typing in info. He does say he will teach you how to link checking, savings and credit card so the info will go directly into QBO.

Jim Jones 4 months ago · 1 Like

It came off to me like he was encouraging people to do the most minimal, low-effort work. Ultimately I think that will just reflect badly on good Bookkeepers.

Kimberly R Richards 10 months ago · 3 Likes

The keyboard Rich Challenge is not a total scam but they make claims that are false and do not disclose the total cost of achieving what they promise. They claim is that after you complete this challenge anyone can earn 6 figures being a bookkeeper and owning their own business. The Challenge teaches bookkeeping using Quickbooks Online.
When you pay the $47 & sign up for the challenge, you are advised that there is a VIP package which gives you access to an extra session where you can ask all the questions you may have, but they show that it is sold out. Then a few days later, guess what? Spots have opened up for the VIP so pay another $100 and you can get in on this.
I have been a bookkeeper using Quickbooks for over 30 years and paid for this course to learn how to find clients if I started my own business. The course will give you 2 resources from marketing your service. The first is QuickBooks online on the 2nd is LinkedIn. They tell you that QuickBooks online has a resource for you to advertise your service and that you need to get to the top of the search list to get the most clients. The way to get to the top of the list is by getting reviews but they never tell you how to get those reviews being a brand new bookkeeper. Then there’s Linkedin, which is pretty much a given for anyone in business.
The information you receive from this five-day course will not make you ready to be a bookkeeper. They only show you two or three simple tasks in QuickBooks, which in no way makes you ready to keep a company’s books. They continuously promise that later in the course they will show you how to do this and that; this and that being absolute necessities to running a bookkeeping business, but later never comes for what you have already paid.
Then on the 4th day of the challenge you will receive an e-mail which makes you feel like you have been chosen for something special that others may not be getting. So you join this extra session which turns out to be another two hours of your time wasted, and it ends up telling you how now you must pay $5000 to get the real answers of how to own your own bookkeeping business.
This whole thing is misleading and a total rip-off. There is a Facebook group involved in the process for communication purposes where you can post comments & when I posted a comment very similar to this, the next morning I had an e-mail stating they were issuing me a refund of my $47, which I never asked for. And all comments must be approved before they actually post, and guess what . . . my post was rejected – surprise surprise! $47 will not shut me up as I do not believe that people should be conned into spending their hard-earned money on something they believe to be true that turns out to be a total lie.
If you want to be a bookkeeper and work from home for yourself, go to Quickbooks online free account. They give you everything you need to learn bookkeeping and the cost is $0. To those who are paying the $5,000 I say – WAKE UP AND SMELL THE ROSES!!!!

Tom 3 months ago · 1 Like

He’s like a timeshare salesman. I feel for the people that can’t afford or waste any $. I don’t know how they sleep at night.

Will P. 4 months ago · 0 Likes

I agree with Bradley. Thanks Kimberly, appreciate it. I’m still interested in becoming a bookkeeper…soon to be a full time RVer, getting tired of physical labor, and passed my math teacher cert…so I’m good with numbers. When the KBR ads started flooding my Youtube feed it seemed like a decent idea. Now I just have to find another way to make it happen.

Bradley 10 months ago · 0 Likes

Too true! Thanks for helping people understand the setup a bit better and aiming them in the right direction 🙂

Lily Wong 10 months ago · 2 Likes

Thank you for your review and discussing what happened when you enrolled in the course. I did get Bill’s book, read it and wondered if I should join the course. I think I am better on my own and will not pay anything for the course. I appreciate not having the headache you have had and don’t want anymore headaches. Best Wishes to you and your family. Lily

Maria 11 months ago · 1 Like

Thank you for your review, I really appreciated it. I agree that your review is unbiased although Mr.B did not treat you in a professional way. I will not move forward with my plans to enroll in his course.

bob 11 months ago · 0 Likes

Since you have to be in the US and you are not, you are the last person that should be doing a critique of the program.

Bradley 10 months ago · 1 Like

Bill stated in his intro video that this program could be done from anywhere in the world, we’d actually be excellent people to review that claim.

Vincent 11 months ago · 2 Likes

Hello there! Thanks for your detailed review on this course! I’m gonna start off by saying that I WAS a former member of Bill’s program back in 2021. It’s an okay program, I guess, but Bill left a sour taste in my mouth not once, but twice. First off, I wanted to put my payments on pause because of a flood that I had in my area (which I told him about), and while he didn’t outright refuse, he acted like he didn’t really want to. There was ZERO compassion other than “Sorry about the flood.” After telling him that I thought everything would be fine, he says “Sure, but I can’t do anything else for you because of the commitment that you made to make all of the payments). So a month later, the aftermath of the flood in my area meant that I can no longer make payments (and other personal things going on), and he mentions that commitment that I agreed to (which is BS, but what the hell). But here’s the kicker – he simply cut me loose. Which is the result I wanted. He didn’t say pay me $400 and I’ll cut you loose, he simply let me go.

I still get a sour taste in my mouth after seeing this guy’s face. But it looks like I ain’t the only one with a sour taste in my mouth! There are many four-letter words that I wanna use in here, but this is a family friendly blog and I’ll respect that.

Thanks for your review!

Kari Grace 11 months ago · 2 Likes

I sincerely appreciate not only this review here but also the very unbiased, methodical way in which you approached the whole situation.
I’m truly grieved he did not appreciate your viewpoint.
I’ve been scammed so many times, it feels good to avoid another one.
I don’t know if you are aware of Girl Power Alliance but it’s a totally legit way to create an income independent of the economy.
It has one part for women, and one for men. I’m building this because we never know when we’ll get that little pink slip.
Again, thank you so much for your kindness and time in posting this valuable information. I will definitely not move forward with my plans to connect with him in any way.
KG, 3Gdreamers

Jeannie 11 months ago · 2 Likes

Thank you for your review. I am so sorry you had to endure that. But unfortunately, many times, someone has to suffer for the freedom of others. Again, I am so sorry you had to endure all of this; but your review helped save me $47 that I honestly need at this time. God will repay you for all that you have gone through in a positive and blessed way. Be encouraged!

Maria 11 months ago · 2 Likes

Hi there, I just wanted to say thanks for your review, I sooo appreciate the value of it because you saved me the initial $47 sale on the original first 5 hours of the course, which I would have had to borrow to begin with, as I am that broke! And I am so broke that I can’t even buy you a cup of coffee, right now….but I signed up for your weekly news letter so I won’t forget you, and as soon as I am working, I will definitely buy you that cup of coffee then, I promise! Meanwhile, I did share your blog on X, and also pinned it to my profile, and here is the link to it in case you wanted to check that out!

Again, thank you so much for your review, it was so helpful!

Teresa A year ago · 1 Like

Thank you so much for this honest review. As another post that I just got done with the challenge and when I saw the pricing for the mentor program I just couldn’t believe it. The challenge advertise at bill would give you all the means to start your own bookkeeping business in the challenge and then at the end this huge bill for a mentorship program that you would need to pay for. I feel so bad for people taking out loans and people saying on the Facebook group that they asked family for money to get the mentor program so they could get their bookkeeping business going. There’s so many other programs out there that don’t cost that much or even free QuickBook classes or YouTube videos that are out there that they could do. It felt like a scam the whole time through and I glad I didn’t fall for the sales pitch of the mentor program.

Bradley A year ago · 0 Likes

Hi Teresa,

Thanks for the extra information about his new pitch. Quite sad that his marketing method is deception with shadows and mirrors, but we hope that your input here and our article will continue to help people become more informed before jumping into this program!

Stacy A year ago · 1 Like

Done with the 4/5 day class with $47 and $97 investment. I would not trust the mentor program at all. Much of what he said we would learn we have not learned and now told to join the mentor program at $6,000 to learn.

Bradley A year ago · 0 Likes

Thanks for the update, Stacy! I’m sure this will help other people. And for some reason this information simply doesn’t surprise us. Much appreciated!

NC A year ago · 1 Like

Thank you for writing this review. There are not many reviews on this program. Been seeing a lot of ads for his five day 1hr per day keyboarding challenge that’s “only” $47. I was not sure how much use this challenge will be if his main course is $6k. In my research I’ve also seen the Bookkeeper Launch program. Do you have any feedback on it? I’ve seen several Reddit comments saying it’s decent…costs between $2K and $4k depending on tier chosen.

Bradley A year ago · 1 Like

Hello NC,
When things didn’t work out for us in this program we did look around at a few other bookkeeping programs and saw Bookkeeper Launch. It did appear to be a better option, but after our experience with Bill’s program we didn’t want to put down a few thousand dollars on another one – so we don’t have a review of that one. Instead, we went the coding route instead. It isn’t bookkeeping, it’s programming, but it has changed our lives and we are very happy with how things turned out. Wishing you the best of success in whatever route you choose!

LKS A year ago · 0 Likes

Okay, to me… it just sounds like you’re a whiner that has some kind of PTSD from a previous job. You really expect to enter into a binding contract, pay a tiny fraction OF that contract, and then want to back out of it and not be hit with SOME kind of cancelation fee? You ARE kidding, right? I don’t believe Bill was being rude to you. I believe he was standing behind his obligations to a legal contract! He can’t go breaking portions of that contract, all willy-nilly for one person, and opening a huge can of worms for everyone; breaking rules as he goes… that would land him in a ton of hot water with his legal team! You should’ve read the contract MUCH more carefully BEFORE jumping all in. Sounds to me like you’re petrified of speaking to ANY one on the phone. Like… at all! You DO realize that you can’t just constantly hide behind your computer screen, with zero human interaction, and hope to be successful in a consumer facing business! Look at Realtors, Insurance Agents, and the like. You HAVE to do the “hard work,” to see results. Like, anything ELSE in life. Nothing is ever going to just be handed to you on a platter without some grit, drive and determination! I’m embarrassed for you. And I was completely embarrassed READING this diatribe, which really, unfortunately, was only you whining and crying because you felt that one single outlet (that you couldn’t use), would be the ONLY key to your success. Just incredible. I hope you don’t plan on buying a home any time soon with a legally binding contract, or anything else that carries one as well. Stop blathering and whining, do the hard work that everyone ELSE has to in order to succeed in this world, or forget about working at anything rewarding at all. I only just saw this course offered two DAYS ago (and am here, “over researching” things as well before pulling the trigger, but with an open mind and critical thinking skills), and will back up Bill 100% for following his end of a legally binding contract. May be time for you to go back to Disney, and beg for your job back. Just unbelievable, that you’re so fragile, emotional, triggered and breakable.

Bradley A year ago · 2 Likes

For anyone that endured reading that comment, we’d like you to know that it isn’t necessary to deal with abuse from people such as from this commentator in your lives. Life honestly doesn’t have to be a struggle, regardless of what many people want you to believe.

Case and point, instead of spending over $6,000 on the bookkeeping program mentioned, and dragging yourself through many people like this in that program, consider that through a $497 Remote Coding Bootcamp, we now make well over $150,000/year via remote part-time programming work, and the people we work with are kind, considerate, and actually care about our wellbeing. Plus we get to take as much time off as we request. Life can be peaceful, pleasant, and free of people like this commentator. We truly wish you the very best in your journey, regardless of which path you choose!

Raine 10 months ago · 0 Likes

The guy in the original comment is a bit harsh, but I don’t think he’s wrong honestly. Expecting everything for 6000 without having to make an effort outside of the course is a bit silly.
Honestly I was more taken aback by to your second paragraph, I’m going to take a wild guess and say you haven’t actually tried to do this and just heard this online somewhere. Any valid business would look at a single bootcamp on a resume and throw it in the trash immediately for ANY type of software related position.
If you or someone you personally know actually managed to land a PART-TIME software job for 150k/year with a single bootcamp and nothing else, then that company probably went out of business shortly after you wrote this comment, they would have to be genuinely stupid to pay someone so underqualified. You’d be lucky to make 60k/year full time with that kind of qualification.

Bradley 10 months ago · 1 Like

Hello Raine,

You’d probably be correct for most Bootcamps as all they do is give you a certificate from their bootcamp at the end and that doesn’t get anyone anywhere. The bootcamp that we used doesn’t just train people and give them a certificate of completion, it provides actual freelancing experience through program partners while earning elite certifications from AWS, Cisco, Google, Microsoft, and CompTIA – building professional skills and confidence to complete tasks while earning money. Then it pairs students up with actual employers while having you pass initial technical tests showing that you have the skills required for the specific jobs you’re being paired with. So, a bit different than a typical bootcamp. Anyway, we earn between $40-$80/hr for the projects that we do on our own time (and there are 2 of us).

Pearl A year ago · 3 Likes

This was an eye-opening review and stopped me from making a big mistake. I, like you was intrigued by this business because of his “no sales” pitch. I am not a phone , sales, marketing kind of gal. On top of that knowing that he doesn’t seem to care at all about good customer service and allowing you out of the rest of the payments, and the pettiness of removing you from the affiliate program and all social media platforms shows his true colors. That alone would stop me from using his program, I will not support someone that greedy and petty. Thanks for a thorough and unbiased review.

Kevin A year ago · 1 Like

I was just about to drop $47 on the next series of courses. I understand that there is much more work involved than initially advertised, but given your review (thanks, by the way) do you think it’s worth a shot for $47? Is it the sort of thing where the initial outlay is small, but then there are the recurring charges that add up? Your additional advice will be greatly appreciated!

Bradley A year ago · 0 Likes

Hello Kevin,

We were unaware of a $47 option, but it’s worth a try at that price for sure. Just make sure there aren’t any recurring charges or that it’s not just an introductory rate for the first couple of weeks or something (as some programs then charge you the annual fee shortly thereafter)! If it’s just $47, give it a whirl and see if it’s something that’ll work for you. Either way, let us know.

Debbie A year ago · 2 Likes

I did the $47 “challenge” (as Bill calls it) in January 2024. It’s 5 days of 1-hour live video with Bill that does provide some good information. You are also offered to do Q&A with Bill by video for 1-2 hours after each day’s challenge video. That costs you another $47 if you only want to listen or another $97 if you want to be able to ask questions. (And you have to sign up for this and pay this within the first 2 days or you are excluded.) I personally didn’t have the extra money to do that. Then, of course, at the end of it all, you are offered the mentorship program that is thousands of dollars (I believe it was $5,000 total; may be $6,000 now). When I signed up for the $47 challenge, I believed the challenge would be all the information you needed to start your own bookkeeping business. And perhaps it actually is, but you would have to do a lot of extra work, because just enough information and help was left out of the challenge that you would need to spend the thousands for the mentorship program to actually be successful. A person could actually probably do it themselves and find the “missing” information on their own, but it would take a good amount of work and figuring out where to find it. Missing from the challenge were things like an engagement letter to use with clients (but yet it was stated that this was a must-have item and that a person absolutely had to have a lawyer look it over), plus a few other things I cannot recall at the moment. And some of his challenge “courses” were actually showing (or interviewing) people who had used his mentoring course in the past and were successful with it. So I have mixed feelings about the $47 challenge but I do wish he (along with most other online programs) would just be upfront about costs and things like that.

I personally don’t want to watch an hour intro video and then learn how much it costs (although I suppose I did with Bill’s but I won’t for others; there are too many). I simply don’t have the money for a lot of it. I’d prefer they just write out what is being offered and how much it is. Also, not the long long drawn-out text versions either that have so much fluff. Just the nitty gritty. What is it, what can you offer me, and how much is it? Don’t try to do all this trying to get me excited and then tell me the real stuff. I may miss out on some legit things because of that, but it’s too time consuming for me. I have other important things in my life. 🙂 Just my two cents worth here. Sorry so long.

Sandra A year ago · 2 Likes

Thank you so much for the review. I came across Booming Bookkeeping Business a few days ago and it was intriguing as I am starting my own bookkeeping business. What threw me off about Bill is when I went through the comments on Instagram, people would ask questions and his answer would not match the question. That was odd so I decided to do more research. I am glad I came across your profile 🙂

Bradley A year ago · 1 Like

Yes, we found that to be quite odd as well! Wishing you the best.

Sandra A year ago · 1 Like

I meant “I am glad I came across your review” lol

Shima A year ago · 0 Likes

Uhmmm it seems like you just changed your mind when things got hard and you wanted a way out. You didn’t want to put in the work to learn sales, marketing, etc’ which of course is a part of learning to set up your own business.

Bradley A year ago · 1 Like

Hello Shima,

As you would know by having read this article, we mentioned that it is possible to be successful with Bill’s program by utilizing some of the more sales oriented methods. However, we also noted that we opted for this program specifically because Bill mentioned that we DIDN’T have to use those methods and could use a few other tools that made that process much easier. Those methods, as we mentioned in the article, turned out not to be available for people working from overseas – even though Bill stated that it was possible to do that in the marketing video.

We weren’t looking for a way out and didn’t have a change of mind about the product that we purchased, we simply didn’t get what we were sold.

Interestingly, we run a number of businesses and use sales and marketing in all of them. I happen to have an MBA with a concentration in finance as well – which focuses on the aspects of running a business. While I am aware that these are essential components of a business, Bill said in the marketing video (that is/was on his website) that his program had tools that we could use to automatically bring in clients without having to “cold call” anyone and that these tools were available to everyone, especially in the sense of having a remote business.

If we wanted to put in the grunt work of making this type of business work we could have done it, but Bill’s program wouldn’t have provided that success to us in the way that he said that it would.

If I were to sell you a house and then you found out that it didn’t have a roof or windows, should I then say to you “Uhmmm it seems like you just changed your mind when things got hard and you wanted a way out.”? Or should I then suggest to you that “You didn’t want to put in the work to learn construction, roofing, etc. which of course is a part of learning to build your own house.”? Clearly, if you were sold a house that was suppose to have a roof and windows you wouldn’t expect to provide the roof and windows yourself.

We mentioned in the article that – in our situation – we were looking only to use certain tools that were promised by Bill in his marketing video. When those tools were not actually available, yes, we wanted out.

I hope this helps you understand a little better. If not, we recommend reading this article again as it explains how Bill’s program COULD work AND why it didn’t for us. Then, you can also read the other comments on this page to learn how others felt and/or what they experienced as well.

Best to you and yours.

Brian 2 years ago · 2 Likes

You forgot to mention Bill’a greatest deception! On his youtube Ad he starts by saying If you’re not making $150k+ working remote online with no experience, you should join his program. Then he shows a chart that claims the average Quickbooks “small business owner” makes $75/hr as if it refers to bookkeeping.

In reality, a QB Pro Advisor makes $16/hr per, and most bookkeepers with a certification or associates in accounting will make no more than $50K and more like $30K with no experience.

After paying $100k+ for an Accounting degree at a good school (I have an Undergrad and Masters in Accounting at a top ranked institution) only netted me 50k in my first Accountant job with little growth, I switched to a Financial Analyst position to progress quick to Senior Analyst after learning advanced Excel to improve processes & reporting, but STILL didn’t top $100K salary till 10+ yrs after grad school at the highend of the Senior Financial Analyst range (Senior Accountants also won’t top 100k often). After another 5yrs of hard work to move up to consulting as a Financial Controller, I now make 100/hr & that’s a premium for interim/fractional work.

The truth is NOONE taking Bill’s course will make even half his claimed $75/HR or $150k/yr pay as a bookkeeper. There are degreed Accounting managers / Controllers with a CPA license & 20+ yrs experience that struggle to make $100K in some areas. His course is the epitome of false advertising.

Bradley A year ago · 0 Likes

Hello Brian,

Thank you for adding in this information. I am Jenny’s husband and I too have a bachelors in a similar field (finance) as well as an MBA in finance, and what you stated here is exactly on par with what I’ve experienced as a financial analyst, senior financial analyst, group controller, and senior group planning analyst as well. It’s the sensationalism of Bill’s marketing video that really makes people think this is worth the cost. I think that getting a CPA or CFA are both better options for about the same amount of money, although I’m not sure that there are many remote jobs available in these fields. We’ve been recommending people to try out programming as we’ve found the ability to work remotely in that field is also quite good – and the pay could increase to over $100k in 3-5 years (unlike Bill, we don’t make it sound like $150K is likely in the next 3 months). Plus the Business Intelligence Data Analytics route compliments an accounting/finance background.

But yes, you are definitely correct about Bill’s great deception! Really enjoyed reading your comment.

Rosa 2 years ago · 1 Like

Thank you for your post. Now, the Booming Bookkeeping Business progran costs $6,000 and it has to be paid in full to get access to the videos and mentorship. I was thinking of joining but I felt that I needed to find reviews first. Too much money. Thank you. Happy travel!

Ramona Ramsarran 2 years ago · 1 Like

Hi there! Thank you for the honest review. I feel very turned off by his program now. Have you ever found any other program or remote business that allows you to earn a great income and not have to be a pushy sales person? I am looking for that very thing as well. Thanks again!

Bradley A year ago · 0 Likes

Hello Ramona,

We know that there are a few remote work opportunities out there that are real. For example, we’ve been recommending programming to people as the “majority of software developers work from home, with 86 % currently working entirely remotely.” (according to Plus, nearly all programming jobs are exactly the opposite of a “pushy sales person” as they never really are required to sell anything (unless the role you choose is specifically a sales role).

So, we help people learn how to become software developers (programmers) over the course of 4-12 months. Plus, the pay starts out fairly decently – usually around $70K – and then works itself out to about $100K+ over just 2-3 years. You can learn more about that on our website.

Dorothy A year ago · 1 Like

Hi Bradley….how can I find out more about this? I am a former corporate finance professional who left the corporate world 17 yrs ago when my 1st was born. Since then I’ve spend 10 yrs in real estate until we moved and then the past 7 years in recruiting. I’m really exhausted with the ‘sales’ component of my life since leaving corporate and would love to try something else.

Bradley A year ago · 0 Likes

Hello Dorothy,

All of the information about the Remote Coding Bootcamp is located at If you have any other questions about it, feel free to contact us at info[at] as we’d be delighted to help!

Melissa Mantzouranis 2 years ago · 1 Like

As others have posted, I too was looking for reviews. I looked up Google reviews and there are seven — all within the last month. Coincidence or not? Who knows… but I’m glad there is at least one honest review with actual information to make a decision. Thank you for taking your time to write this up. Hopefully he’ll see it and change his message. At least letting people know who are outside the US that there may be an issue, would be the honest thing to do. I’m definitely sorry it happened to you.

Eat Wander Explore 2 years ago · 0 Likes

Thanks for reading and taking time to comment. We’re glad people are finding our booming bookkeeping review helpful in their decision making whether it’s for them or not. It’s something we wish was available when we were deciding!

Brandon Sherman 2 years ago · 1 Like

Great review. I was considering joining the course because I am stuck in the 8-5 cooperate world. I have been trying to work remotely, but it hasn’t panned out. I started my website, affiliate marketing, writing closed captions, and other things. Then I stumbled on this course. I was intrigued and thought to myself I enjoy numbers, I could do this. My gut told me to do some more research on it. Then I found your blog and I thank you for it. I don’t want to go from one insensitive boss to an insensitive mentor. Thank you again for helping me keep my mind straight.

Eat Wander Explore 2 years ago · 1 Like

Thanks for reading. We couldn’t find any informative reviews like this before we signed up, so I’m glad it’s helping people make informed decisions either way. If you’re interested in remote work and breaking free from the corporate shackles, you may want to check out the remote coding bootcamp. Or if you’re still interested in bookkeeping, there are so many programs out there – I hope you find your fit!

Bob Mackey 2 years ago · 1 Like

Thanks for the review! I’ve been doing Accounting for over 30 years, and have been using QB since the 90s. Having been a victim of the recent downturn, I was considering this program to kickstart a new accounting business. Think I’ll save me money!

Eat Wander Explore 2 years ago · 0 Likes

Glad we’re able to help you make an informed decision. There are many other programs out there, so we hope you find one that fits!

Denise 2 years ago · 1 Like

Thank you for this, this is the only real review I could find out there about this business.

Eat Wander Explore 2 years ago · 0 Likes

You’re welcome! Thanks for stopping by to read it. The information we discovered wasn’t available before we had signed up, so hopefully it will help you and others make a more informed decision!

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